Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Emissions trading (aviation)

    ... However, evidence suggests that it saved around 1.2 billion t CO2 between 2008 and 2016 (3.8%) across the entire EU economy ...

    Carbon offsetting (aviation)

    ... on projected carbon offset unit prices of USD 6 to USD 12 (low assumption) and USD 20 to USD 40 (high assumption), the ICAO projects ...

    Drop-off collection points / Pick-up consolidation

    ... research in Poland. Transportation Research Procedia, Vol 12, p 644-655 Liu, C., Q. Wang, Q. and Y.O. Susilo (2019) Assessing the ... context. Transportation Research Procedia Accessed: 06.12.2019 Shahmohammadi, S. et al. (2020) Comparative Greenhouse Gas ...

    Report: It's Possible to Decarbonize Shipping by 2035

    ... March 2018 Link to article:… Media Outlet name:  The Maritime Executive Country:  United States ... could make it possible to almost completely decarbonize maritime shipping by 2035, according to a new report published by the ...