Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Hungary ECMT Licence

    ... ECMT Multilateral Quota Licence Associated documents:  Preliminary permit registration system (BIREG) ... and multilateral permits for the international road freight transport. - 2 February 2021 Amendment of the ...

    Montenegro Control Body

    ... Title:  Montenegro Road Transport Regulating and Enforcement Bodies Date:  Wednesday, ...

    Trucks headed for a driverless future

    ... José Viegas, former secretary-general of the International Transport Forum (ITF). “Trials on public roads are under way in many regions ...

    The Future is Driverless

    ... Paikin programme  Philippe Crist of the International Transport Forum  considers with panels members how driverless vehicles will ...

    Italy Control Body

    ... Title:  Italy Road Transport Regulating and Enforcement Bodies Date:  Friday, 25 ...