Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    ... Transport Indicators Note: Until 1993, road freight transport did not include international transport.   ... Transport Indicators Note: Until 1993, road freight transport did not include international transport.   ...

    Advancing the Safe System Working Group

    Project blurb:  The Safe System approach to road safety takes as its starting point the ethical position that road deaths and serious injuries from traffic crashes are unacceptable. ...


    ... Transport Indicators: Note: Until 2000 road freight transport does not include international transport, cross-trade ... Note: Data include road passenger transport by car and bus. ...


    ... Note: Data include road passenger transport by car and bus. Rail passenger transport data include ... Note: Data include road passenger transport by car and bus. Rail passenger transport data include ...


    ... Caucasian gas pipeline. Note: Data include road passenger transport by car and bus. ... Caucasian gas pipeline. Note: Data include road passenger transport by car and bus. ...


    ... Transport Indicators: Note: Since 1997, road freight transport do not include road freight transport on own account.  ...

    Smart moves needed

    ... bode well for the transport sector. "It’s clear that road transport operators will need to do things more efficiently while ... SA is ranked the worst out of 36 countries in terms of road fatalities, costing the country more than R300bn every year, with the ...


    ... Transport Indicators: Note: Road freight data only include freight transport carried out by national ... Transport Indicators: Note: Road freight data only include freight transport carried out by national ...