Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Congestion pricing

    ... of (certain) urban roads. By imposing a cost on driving on a road, it aims to reduce congestion, lower adverse environmental impacts of ... as in London; on certain roads, as on Stockholm’s ring road; or on segments of urban highways, as for tolled express lanes in some ...

    Safe System Implementation Working Group

    ... published a research report  Towards Zero: Ambitious Road Safety Targets and the Safe System Approach , which was the first ... of a safe system approach as the main framework for road safety policies. This vision is based on ambitious targets and the ...

    Our Structure

    The International Transport Forum is designed to be a flexible, efficient and politically responsible institution that creates value for its members. The Forum is administratively integrated into the Organisation for Economic Co-operation...

    High capacity vehicles

    Overview:  The weight and dimensions of road freight vehicles are nationally regulated and vary across countries.  In ... has implications for transport operators, cargo shippers, road freight regulators, consumers and the general public. The higher ...