Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    National Control Bodies

    In the context of the work of the Group on Road Transport, Member countries were requested to supply any useful information for road hauliers driving through an ECMT Member country of which they are not ...

    Express lanes / public transport priority

    ... that could be considered, depending on the capacity of the road under ... lead to a reduction of CO2 emissions, but results depend on road network and mobility patterns (for instance through the possible increase ... management measures could be substantial on one particular road, their wider impacts across the transport network as a whole could still ...


    ... transport includes all operators (only SNCF before). Road passenger transport is based on the number of vehicles in circulation. Since 2012, road passenger transport data are revised to follow a new road vehicle ...

    Russia ECMT Licence

    ... Russia ECMT Multilateral Quota Licence Associated documents:  Government Decree on the extension of the Reciprocal ... introduced by Russian Federation on international road transport operations on its territory to enter into force on 10 October ...

    Implementing the Safe System: An ITF Working Group

    ... for the implementation of a safe system approach to road safety policy making, regardless of the level of development of the ... 1.35 million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes, about 90% of them in low- and middle-income countries. ... included in the UN Sustainable Development Goals 3.6 and 11.2. Crashes can be prevented and their severity reduced. A range of ...

    Alex Leaflet Page

    Road Safety Statistics in European Cities The International Transport Forum ... developed indicators to evaluate, monitor and benchmark road safety outcomes in 72 urban areas, most of them in Europe. Road mortality varies by a factor of 10 between cities Map 1 – Road mortality ...