Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Internal combustion engine and diesel bans

    ... Public Health Alliance estimated the cost of pollution from road traffic in 2016 to be EUR 66.7 billion in health damages for EU-28, with ... safety. Banning older vehicles can decrease the number of road fatalities due to technical failures. Other considerations:  ...

    Enhanced and expanded rail for freight

    ... modes to move surface freight, particularly compared with road and inland waterways. Hence, shifting freight from road to rail is potentially one of the best ways to decarbonise freight ...

    Integrated ticketing

    ... and planning of transport systems Rail Road Transport:  Passenger Selection of related ...

    Voluntary programs to reduce emissions in logistics

    ... utilization, improved safety (for goods carried and on the road), better monitoring of operations and more reliability. Other ... transport systems Maritime Rail Road Transport:  Freight Selection of related ...

    Park and ride facilities

    ... benefits, especially if the P&R facility is connected to a road-based public transport system. For a rail-based P&R facility in The Hague, ... Mode shift and demand management Road Transport:  Passenger Selection of related ...

    ITF Gender Analysis Toolkit: Indicators

    Loading… Definitions “Sex” and “Gender” data: Transport data are often collected using the category “sex” (i.e. male and female), which refers to the biological aspects of an individual. The category “gender”, which is a social...

    Gender Workstream of the Corporate Partnership Board

    ... equality at the workplace. 2022 - Women and Road Safety , 8-9 March 2022: This two-day event brought together high-level ... to discuss a series of case studies addressing the topic of road safety, with a focus on women's safety as transport users. This event fit ...

    Parking pricing

    ... which is estimated to account for up to one-third of urban road traffic, can be nearly eliminated. The CO2 savings will be proportionate ... million euros in 2014, Kelly, J. ...