Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Belarus ECMT Licence

    ... ECMT Multilateral Quota Licence Associated documents:  Amendments to the legal act regarding the Reciprocal ... restrictions introduced by Belarus on international road transport operations on its territory - 5 October 2022 ...

    United Kingdom ECMT Licence

    ... ECMT Multilateral Quota Licence Associated documents:  The London Ultra Low Emission Zone 2023 Expansion - 9 February 2023 International Road Haulage Access to the United Kingdom - 2 December 2022 ...

    Denmark ECMT Licence

    ... ECMT Multilateral Quota Licence Associated documents:  New rules applying to carrying out freight cabotage, bus cabotage and the road leg of combined transport in Denmark from 1 January 2021 - 3 ...

    Pricing measures for urban logistics

    ... for urban logistics set a price for a certain piece of road or for entering a zone, and can be variable over the course of a day (e.g. ... Mode shift and demand management Road Transport:  Freight Selection of related ...

    Traffic management: speed limitations

    ... equipment ensure compliance with speed limits on any road section at any time. Impact on CO 2 emissions:  ... The costs of implementing a low-speed zone consist of road infrastructure costs (changing signage, speed bumps etc.), information ...

    North Macedonia

    ... Transport Indicators: Note: Since 2011 road freight transport includes cabotage and transit. Also since 2011 in accordance with the EU Regulation, road freight transport includes national and international transport. Until ...


    ... Note: Until 2004 the Estonian road freight transport enterprises survey data were used. Since 2005 road freight transport is reported according to the EU Regulation No 70/2012 on ...