Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Safety, Security and Health

    ... priority for the International Transport Forum.  The ITF's road safety activities inform policies that save lives around the world. Our ...

    Change in delivery schedules/night deliveries

    ... of congestion during the daytime. Still, they have unused road and un(loading) space during the evening, at night or early in the morning ... the reliability of deliveries for receivers, and improve road safety by reducing the conflicts between vans, trucks, passenger cars, ...

    Restricted access to zones

    ... LEZs should be adjusted over time to account for changes in road use/demand within the restricted zones. Low-emission zones have been ... Low-carbon fuels and energy vectors Road Transport:  Passenger Selection of related ...

    Land-use planning for freight

    ... noise, and conflicts between freight vehicles and other road users (Dablanc, L. et al., 2018). Public authorities can promote ... transport systems Maritime Rail Road Transport:  Freight Selection of related ...