Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Fuel blending mandate

    ... sector (in particular shipping, aviation and long-distance road transport modes) that have lower opportunities to reduce their emissions ... vectors Aviation Maritime Road Transport:  Passenger Freight ...

    On-demand public transport

    ... could increase due to the presence of new vehicles on the road. However, if on-demand transport causes modal shift from private cars, ... Outcome:  Innovation and up-scaling Road Transport:  Passenger Selection of related ...

    Vehicle efficiency standards

    ... Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure, WLTP), on-road testing of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions under real driving ... more efficient vehicles. This would have negative effects on road congestion (and result in time and related economic losses) and limit the ...

    Quality Charter

    ... In May 2015, Ministers approved a  Quality Charter for Road Haulage Operations under the ECMT Multilateral Quota System  developed ...

    Ridesourcing and Ride Sharing

    ... points to the importance of complementary policies, such as road user charging and improved public transport.  Costs:  ... Mode shift and demand management Road Transport:  Passenger Selection of related ...


    ... (Vooren, 2015).  In the UK, feebates could achieve 3-8% reductions in life-cycle emissions from cars (Brand, 2013). An optimal ... Demand measures, such as fuel tax increases or charging for road use, can help reduce a potential rebound effect. There are also ...