Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Rural Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

    ... management Innovation and up-scaling Road Transport:  Passenger Selection of related ... > Road charging and tolls ... Netherlands Institute for Transport ...

    IRTAD Road Safety Database

    ... crash and exposure data from 35 countries: The International Road Traffic and Accident Database (IRTAD) includes safety and traffic data, ...

    ITF at COP27

    ...  Date Time (CET)  Venue  Event  8 Nov 7:30 IETA BusinessHub, Area C, Zone 5, Pavilion P123, Blue Zone ... 17:00-18:30 UK Pavilion, Blue Zone Delivering the Road Transport Breakthrough: Priority International Actions for 2023 ...

    Group on Road Transport: Acquis CEMT, Resolutions, Reports

    Publications Principal Acts of the ECMT 1953-2003 / L'acquis CEMT  describes the main Acts of the Council of Ministers since the creation of the Conference in 1953 up until 1st January 2003. It pares down the Acts of the Council of...

    Carbon tax for road vehicles

    ... hence leads to changes in passenger demand, mode choice and road network traffic flow. The two common ways to implement a carbon tax are ... on such emissions. Most current carbon price signals in the road sector are due to fuel excise taxes. Economically similar to carbon taxes, ...