Transit-Oriented Development and Accessibility: Case studies from Southeast Asian cities
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
8 October 2023
Cutting transport CO2 now reduces investment needs for core infrastructure
Media Release,
23 May 2023
Broadening appraisal: Capturing the full impacts of transport investments
Policy Brief,
22 September 2022
Colombia's President Iván Duque and ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim hold talks in Paris
Media Release,
10 February 2022
Collaborative Infrastructure Procurement in Sweden and the Netherlands
Discussion Paper,
29 March 2020
Dealing with the Obsolescence of Transport Infrastructure in Public-Private Partnerships
Discussion Paper,
10 January 2020
Risk Allocation in Public-Private Partnerships and the Regulatory Asset Base Model
Discussion Paper,
7 January 2020
Public-Private Partnerships in Transport: Unbundling Prices from User Charges
Discussion Paper,
19 August 2019
Quantifying Private and Foreign Investment in Transport Infrastructure
Discussion Paper, Policy Insights,
15 March 2019
What is Private Investment in Transport Infrastructure and Why is it Difficult?
Discussion Paper, Policy Insights,
28 January 2019
Mobilising Private Investment in Infrastructure: Investment De-Risking and Uncertainty
Discussion Paper,
27 November 2018