Investment, Pricing, Taxation
Estimating the Agglomeration Benefits of Transport Investments: Some Tests for Stability
Discussion Paper,
30 June 2010
Integration and Competition between Transport and Logistics Businesses
Roundtable Report,
26 February 2010
The Impact of Economic Instruments on the Auto Industry and the Consequences of Fragmenting Markets
Discussion Paper,
1 February 2010
Gestion de la mobilité en entreprises : politiques de transport efficaces
Research Report,
1 January 2010
Competition for Long Distance Passenger Rail Services: The Emerging Evidence
Discussion Paper,
1 December 2009
Long-Distance Passenger Rail Services in Europe: Market Access Models and Implications for Germany
Discussion Paper,
1 December 2009
Lessons from the U.S. Transport Deregulation Experience for Privatization
Discussion Paper,
1 December 2009
How Transport Costs Shape the Spatial Pattern of Economic Activity
Discussion Paper,
1 December 2009
Competitive Interaction between Airports, Airlines and High-Speed Rail
Roundtable Report,
4 November 2009
Competitive Interaction between Airports, Airlines and High-Speed Rail
Discussion Paper,
30 September 2009
Incentives for CO2 Emissions Reductions in Motor Vehicle Taxes
Presentation, slides, speech,
2 September 2009
Integration and Competition between Transport and Logistics Businesses
Discussion Paper,
31 May 2009
Globalisation and Freight Transport Costs in Maritime Shipping and Aviation
Discussion Paper,
30 April 2009
Concurrence et interactions entre aéroports, services de transports aériens et ferroviaires
Roundtable Report,
1 January 2009
The Airport Industry in a Competitive Environment: A United Kingdom Perspective
Discussion Paper,
30 June 2008