Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Urban Logistics Hubs Roundtable

25 June 2024

Urban logistics is a fundamental component of life in a city: grocery stores, restaurants, retail...

Micromobility: Back to the Future

19 June 2024

It updated the findings of two groundbreaking ITF reports on micromobility: "Safe Micromobility"...

Decarbonisation and the Pricing of Road Transport

16 April 2024

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Measuring New Mobility: Definitions, Indicators, Data Collection

16 April 2024

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Preparing Infrastructure for Automated Vehicles

16 April 2024

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Transport and Development: The Road to Sustainability, Prosperity and Peace

3 May 2023

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim gives a keynote speech on greening global transport at the...

Smart Freight Week

18 April 2023

Head of the ITF Secretary-General's Office Jari Kauppila speaks at the sessions "Future Pathways...

Fact-finding mission about electric vehicle policy in Greece

26 September 2023

ITF experts travel to Athens as a part of the EU-funded project "Recharge and Refuel: Clean, smart...

Sustainable Infrastructure Programme in Asia – Transport (SIPA-T) Philippines Final Dissemination Event

26 July 2023

On 24 April 2023, a modelling training session took place, gathering ITF project staff and...