Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting 2019

The International Transport Forum will share recent work on new mobility, connectivity, resilience, road safety, infrastructure and accessibility with the global transport community at the world’s largest transport conference from 13 to 18 January 2019. ITF will also be present at many related events including the World Bank’s “Transforming Transportation” conference and the meeting of the Sustainable Mobility for All (SuM4All) initiative. ITF work is presented publically at the following sessions and events:  


  • Monday, 14 January: “The Effects of Trade and Geo-Political Policies on International Passenger and Freight Transportation" | Jagoda Egeland, ITF Project Manager Aviation and Infrastructure gives a presentation on Brexit and Aviation | 08:00-09:45, Convention Center, Room 152a

  • Monday, 14 January: "Aviation System Planning: A 20-Year Look Into the Future" | Jagoda Egeland, ITF Project Manager Aviation and Infrastructure, chairs a discussion to identify areas for future reserach in the area of airport planning | 10:15-12:00, Convention Center, Room 143b


  • Tuesday, 15 January: "Current Issues in Transportation and Air Quality" | Presentation by Wei-Shiuen Ng, ITF Analyst and Modeller | 08:00-09:45, Convention Center, Hall A

New Mobility

  • Sunday, 13 January: "War Games 2019: Mobility as a Service - Disruptor or Uniter? " | Philippe Crist, ITF Advisor Innovation and Foresight, presents recent ITF work on new mobility and moderates | 13:30-16:30, Convention Center, Room 152c

  • Monday, 14 January: "Managing Curbspace Access in an Increasingly Congested Urban Environment"  | Philippe Crist, ITF Advisor Innovation and Foresight, is a discussant | 10:15-12:00, Convention Center, Room 151a

  • Tuesday, 15 January: Mobility Data Specification Governance Forum | ITF’s Philippe Christ, ITF Advisor Innovation and Foresight, presents recent ITF work relatimng to the use of mobility data

  • Wednesday, 16 January: Sustainable Mobility for All (SuM4All) 6th Consortium Meeting | ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim moderates the sessions "GRA in Action" | 08:30-16:45, World Bank HQ, Room MC 13-121 | Details at

  • Wednesday, 16 January: "The Shared-Use City: Managing the Curb" and "Algorithmic Governance of Transport" | Philippe Crist, ITF Advisor Innovation and Foresight, presents recent ITF findings to New Urban Mobility Alliance (NUMo) workshop | 09:00-11:00, Busboys and Poets, 450 K St NW


  • Sunday, 13 January: "Transportation for a Smart Sustainable and Equitable Future: Lessons for Mega Region Planning" | Stephen Perkins, ITF’s Head of Research and Policy Analysis, presents findings of a joint ITF and OECD project on “Enhancing Connectivity in  Central Asia” | 09:00-12:00, Convention Center, Room 146b

  • Wednesday, 16 January: “Enhancing Connectivity in Central Asia” | Jari Kauppila, ITF’s Head of Quantitative Policy Analysis and Foresight, present findings of a joint ITF and OECD project at the World Bank


  • Sunday, 13 January: "Methods in Resilience Quantification" workshop | Stephen Perkins, ITF’s Head of Research and Policy Analysis presenting ITF work on resilience | 13:30-16:30, Convention Center, Room 140a

  • Tuesday, 15 January: "Supply Chain Network Resilience” session | ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim co-chairs. Stephen Perkins, ITF’s Head of Research and Policy Analysis, presents findings of ITF Roundtable on Supply Chain Resilience | 10:15-12:00, Convention Center, Room 152a

Road Safety


  • Monday, 14 January: "Advancing Road Freight Safety and Infrastructure Efficiency through Evidence-based Policy" (Part 1) | Presentation of findings from upcoming ITF report  “High Capacity Transport: Towards Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Road Freight” | 13:30-17:30, Convention Center, Room 143

  • Wednesday, 16 January:  "Advancing Road Freight Safety and Infrastructure Efficiency through Evidence-based Policy” (Part 2) | Members of ITF Working Group on Road Asset Management present findings of the new report "Policies to Extend the Life of Road Assets" | 08:00-09:45, Convention Center, Room 140a

Accessibility and Inclusiveness

  • Wednesday, 16 January: Regional Forum for Gender and Transport Equality | Wei-Shiuen Ng, ITF Modeller and Analyst, presents ITF work on gender in transport | 08:00-12:30, Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)

  • Thursday, 17 January: “Sustainable Mobility for all and New Mobility: Safety and Access for All" | Mary Crass, ITF’s Head of Institutional Relations and Summit Preparation, speaks on access for older and disabled people at this Transforming Transportation plenary | 16:30-18:00, World Bank HQ

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