Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

ITF News

Unequal detours: Breaking public transport’s circuits of inequality

20 May 2022
Malvika Dixit was named the International Transport Forum’s (ITF) 2022 Young Researcher of the Year for her unique investigation into how income levels can determine the distance...

Ministers re-elect Young Tae Kim as Secretary-General of the International Transport Forum

19 May 2022
Ministers of transport representing the member countries of the International Transport Forum (ITF) have re-elected Dr Young Tae Kim to a second five-year term as Secretary-...

Cambodia joins International Transport Forum

19 May 2022
Cambodia has joined the International Transport Forum (ITF) as the organisation’s 64th member country. Ministers of transport from the 63 current member governments agreed to...

Transport - a catalyst for inclusive societies

17 May 2022
Ministers from the 63 member countries of the International Transport Forum (ITF) gather in Leipzig, Germany, for their Annual Summit from 18-20 May under the Presidency...

Member countries vote to restrict participation of Russia and Belarus in operational activities of the ITF

4 May 2022
ITF member countries have adopted a package of measures that restrict the participation of Russia and Belarus in the ITF in response to the invasion of Ukraine.The operational...

ITF's work for sustainable infrastructure in Asia gathers pace

6 April 2022
[caption caption="ITF visits Tashkent, Uzbekistan, for a fact-finding mission within the project \"Reforming the Public Transport Sector to Provide Sustainable Urban Mobility in...

ITF Secretary-General's Statements on the Ukraine Crisis

16 March 2022
ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim addressed the opening session of the 35th Meeting of the ITF's Transport Management Board with the following statement on the Ukraine crisis on...

Colombia's President Iván Duque and ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim hold talks in Paris

10 February 2022
Iván Duque Márquez, President of the Republic of Colombia, and senior government members met with ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim in Paris today for talks on further...

CEiiA joins the ITF Corporate Partnership Board

18 January 2022
Portugal-based engineering and product development company CEiiA is the latest private-sector leader to join the International Transport Forum's Corporate Partnership Board (CPB...

ACI World and International Transport Forum agree to enhanced cooperation

23 November 2021
At the Airports Council International (ACI) Latin America and Caribbean/World Annual General Assembly, Conference, and Exhibition today, ACI World and the International Transport...

Mott MacDonald joins the ITF Corporate Partnership Board

29 October 2021
Global engineering, management and development company Mott MacDonald is the newest member of the International Transport Forum's Corporate Partnership Board (CPB). Headquartered...

ITF Transport Management Board votes to recommend second term for Secretary-General Young Tae Kim

29 October 2021
At the 34th meeting of the ITF Transport Management Board (TMB) in Rabat, Morocco, on 28 October 2021, ITF member country representatives voted unanimously to recommend to the...

Trucknet joins the ITF Corporate Partnership Board

26 October 2021
Trucknet Enterprise, a digital platform for optimising the use of freight capacity and avoiding empty transport rides, has joined the Corporate Partnership Board of the...

Rolls Royce joins the ITF Corporate Partnership Board

14 October 2021
Rolls-Royce, one of the world's leading industrial technology companies, has joined the Corporate Partnership Board of the International Transport Forum (ITF). Rolls-Royce and the...

How serious are countries about decarbonising transport?

28 September 2021
The new “Transport NDC Tracker” launched today by the International Transport Forum at the OECD monitors how transport appears in the decarbonisation commitments of the countries...

Inaugural CPB Week kicks off in Paris

14 September 2021
The first ITF Corporate Partnership Board (CPB) Week launches today with a roundtable on decarbonising transport.More than 40 CEOs and high-level representatives of member...

Self-driving technology company Argo AI joins the ITF Corporate Partnership Board

9 September 2021
US-based self-driving technology company Argo AI has joined the Corporate Partnership Board of the International Transport Forum (ITF). Argo AI and the ITF will work together on...

Will mobility become a service?

6 September 2021
Constantly evolving, forward-looking and on the cutting-edge of transport policies, Mobility as a Service (MaaS) fascinates us by its potential to radically improve our mobility...

Assistance and insurance leader Allianz Partners joins ITF Corporate Partnership Board

20 August 2021
Allianz Partners, a global leader in assistance and insurance solutions, has joined the Corporate Partnership Board of the International Transport Forum (ITF).  Allianz...

A blueprint for the urban mobility revolution

6 July 2021
Urban mobility is at a crossroads. The transport options offered in our cities create opportunities, underpin prosperity and connect people with each other. They also carry costs...

New online resource for disabled drivers

14 June 2021
The FIA Disabled Motoring website is launched today by the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) in collaboration with the International Transport Forum (ITF): ...

Mobility data security company AutoCrypt becomes latest ITF Corporate Partner

3 June 2021
Korean transport security technology firm AutoCrypt has joined the Corporate Partnership Board of the International Transport Forum (ITF). As an ITF corporate partner, AutoCrypt...

Micromobility: Why urbanites prefer bikes over e-scooters (or vice versa)

28 May 2021
A pioneering study on why people use shared e-scooters, bikes and e-bikes has won Daniel Jan Reck the International Transport Forum’s 2021 Young Researcher of the Year Award. Mr...

The world’s transport ministers agree to “build back better” after the pandemic

27 May 2021
Ministers of transport from the 63 member countries of the International Transport Forum at the OECD have agreed to use recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic to transform transport....

Colombia joins the International Transport Forum

27 May 2021
Colombia has joined the International Transport Forum (ITF) as the organisation’s 63rd member country.Ministers of transport from the 62 current member states, meeting virtually...

Swedish micromobility pioneer Voi joins the ITF Corporate Partnership Board

27 May 2021
Swedish micromobility pioneer Voi has joined the International Transport Forum's (ITF) Corporate Partnership Board. Voi and the ITF will work together on helping to make urban...

Worldwide transport activity to double, emissions to rise further

16 May 2021
Global transport activity will more than double by 2050, and traffic emissions will rise by 16% compared to 2015 - even if existing commitments to decarbonise transport are fully...

Make Drones a Part of the Overall Transport System!

13 April 2021
Drones should be treated as a part of the whole transport system and of society more broadly. Only then will we all reap the full economic and social benefits from drone...

TIER Mobility joins ITF Corporate Partnership Board

29 March 2021
TIER, Europe's leading micro-mobility provider of shared e-scooters, e-bikes and e-mopeds in over 90 cities across eleven countries, has joined the International Transport Forum’s...

Our website has a new look!

17 March 2021
The ITF website now has a fresh, beautiful new face. We have reorganised the website navigation to highlight our strategic priorities better and more strongly. Based on...

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