Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Media Release

Transport Innovations from the Global South

27 August 2020

Poorer countries’ need to organise mobility with limited means has spawned many creative solutions...

Penta Security joins ITF Corporate Partnership Board

1 September 2022

Penta Security Systems has joined the Corporate Partnership Board of the International Transport...

Kyyti joins ITF Corporate Partnership Board

1 September 2022

The International Transport Forum (ITF) is pleased to announce that Kyyti Group of Finland has...

Grin joins ITF Corporate Partnership Board

27 August 2020

Grin has joined the Corporate Partnership Board of the International Transport Forum (ITF). As an...

Tunesien tritt Weltverkehrsforum bei

27 August 2020

Tunesien ist neues Mitgliedsland des Weltverkehrsforums der OECD. Die Verkehrsminister der 59...

Governing transport in the algorithmic age

27 August 2020

Transport policy needs to ready itself for the age of algorithms, and policy makers must become...

2019 Summit Ministerial Declaration on Transport Connectivity for Regional Integration

27 August 2020

Transport connectivity is a major contributor to economic development, and social inclusion,...

La Tunisie devient membre du Forum International des Transports

27 August 2020

La Tunisie devient le 60 ème pays membre du Forum International des Transports (FIT). Les ministres...

Tunisia joins the International Transport Forum

27 August 2020

Tunisia has joined the International Transport Forum (ITF) as the organisation’s 60th member....

Mobilitätsbedarf verdreifacht sich bis 2050 - Disruptionen drohen

27 August 2020

Der Mobilitätsbedarf wird in den kommenden 30 Jahren weltweit dramatisch zunehmen. Zahlreiche “...