Events Calendar
October 2022
Third meeting of the 2023 Task Force on Transport Enabling Sustainable Economies
ITF Meeting
Virtual and London ,
United Kingdom ,
International Cargo Bike Festival
Vijfhuizen , The Netherlands , International Cargo Bike FestivalThe International Cargo Bike Festival (ICBF) holds their 2022 exhibition in conjunction with World...
November 2022
2022 World Transport Convention (WTC 2022)
Virtual and Beijing , ChinaITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim speaks at the opening ceremony of the 2022 World Transport...
Sharm El-Sheikh , Egypt , UNFCCCDetails of ITF's participation at the COP27 negotiations will be added as events are confirmed.See...
I-Forum 2022: Smart Mobility Revolution
Virtual and Seoul , Korea , iNews 24ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim speaks at iNews 24's I-Forum 2022. I-Forum 2022's main topic is...
Morning coffee: Innovations in logistics and transportation industry
Sharm el-Sheikh , Egypt , Trucknet8:30 (GMT +2)IETA BusinessHub, Area C, Zone 5, Pavilion P123, Blue ZoneITF Corporate Partnership...
Sustainable Infrastructure Programme in Asia – Transport (SIPA-T) Philippines Scenario Design Workshop
ITF Meeting
Virtual meeting ,
The ITF project team conducted a virtual scenario-building workshop for freight transport on 9 and...
Accelerating action on gender equality: How can streets and public spaces enable safer travel for women?
Virtual event , UK Department of Transport and International Transport Forum16:00-17:30 CET This webinar explores how lack of safety or the perception of unsafe transport...
Youth on the move: Young people and transport in the 21st century
ITF Meeting
Virtual meeting ,
11:00 - 12:30 CETHow young people move and interact with transport matters. For them, mobility is a...
Transport Research Arena
Lisbon , PortugalITF's Stephen Perkins speaks at the 9th Transport Research Arena (TRA) Plenary Session on "Smart...
The role of gender equality in decarbonising transport
ITF Meeting
Virtual meeting ,
15:00 - 16:00 CETTransport is not gender-neutral, nor are the causes and impacts of climate change...
A Just Transition: Perspectives on inclusive transport, including aviation
Sharm el-Sheikh , Egypt10:30-12:00 (GMT +2)Room Amon (150), Blue ZoneHead of the ITF Secretary-General's Office Jari...
Accelerating the Ambition Loop in Transport: Developing Concrete Policy Asks
Sharm el-Sheikh , Egypt16:45-17:15 CETThe Business Pavilion (Zone C, Delegations Pavilion 5, no. P118), Blue ZoneITF...
Putting Australia in the Fast Lane
Sharm El Sheikh , Egypt , Australia Institute COP27 Australian Pavilion Event13:00-14:00 CET | Australian PavillionJari Kauppila, Head of the ITF Secretary-General's Office,...
Marrakesh Partnership for Global Climate Action (MPGCA): Transport Action Event
Sharm el-Sheikh , Egypt11:30-13:30 CETAction room Ibis, Blue ZoneITF Research Team Lead Elisabeth Windisch moderates this...
Marrakesh Partnership for Global Climate Action (MPGCA) Breakthrough lab event on shipping
Sharm el-Sheikh , Egypt16:00-17:30 (GMT +2)Action room Lotus, Blue ZoneHead of the ITF Secretary-General's Office Jari...
Delivering the Road Transport Breakthrough: Priority International Actions for 2023: COP27 UK event
Sharm el-Sheikh , Egypt17:00-18:30 CETUK Pavilion, Blue ZoneITF Research Team Lead Elisabeth Windisch moderates an open-...
Research and Opportunities for Collaboration in Asia
ITF Meeting
Bangkok and Virutal ,
Thailand ,
International Transport Forum
The ITF currently has eight Member Countries in Asia and seeks to continue to expand its scope of...
Regional High-Level Dialogue for Asia
ITF Meeting
Bangkok ,
Thailand ,
International Transport Forum
03:00 - 12:00 CET (09:00 - 17:00 UTC+7)ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim leads ITF's first-ever...
UN ESCAP Committee on Transport, Seventh session
Bangkok , Thailand , UN ESCAPITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim shares ITF's insights on decarbonising transport at the seventh...
Roundtable on Increasing Cycling and Walking in Urban Mobility
ITF Meeting
Virtual and Paris ,
Experts gather to discuss how to increase the share of cycling and walking in urban mobility. The...
Working Group on Funding Public Transport, 2nd meeting
ITF Meeting
Virtual and Paris ,
Experts convene for the second meeting of the Working Group on Funding Public Transport. Funding...
Women's Forum Global Meeting
Virtual and Paris , FranceITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim speaks at a key session on climate justice at the Women's Forum...
December 2022
Asia Outreach in Korea
Seoul , KoreaITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim leads an ITF delegation on a high-level visit to Korea from 5...
Transport Knowledge Conference 2022
Wellington , New Zealand , New Zealand Ministry of TransportDanielle Bassan, Principal Advisor Ministry of Transport, New Zealand presents the joint ITF...
Special session on Job Opportunities at OECD/ITF
ITF Meeting
Virtual and Seoul ,
9:00 CET (17:00 UTC +9)ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim provides opening remarks at this session...
ITF-KOTSA Joint conference on Mobility Transition and Innovation
ITF Meeting
Virtual and Seoul ,
(6:00 CET (14:00 UTC +9)ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim welcomes participants at the ITF-...
Asia Outreach in Japan
Tokyo , JapanITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim leads a mission to Japan for high-level meetings with Japanese...
Prospects for Transport Decarbonisation in a Rapidly Changing Environment
Tokyo , JapanThe EASTS-ITF special seminar "Prospects for Transport Decarbonisation in a Rapidly Changing...
Ask the Author: “The Freight Space Race: Curbing the Impacts of Freight Deliveries in Cities”
ITF Meeting
Virtual meeting
14:30 CETIn this 30-minute online presentation and Q&A, author Joshua Paternina Blanco presents...