Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

International Relations

Secretary-General leads ITF outreach to Far East Asia

23 December 2022

Secretary-General Young Tae Kim led an ITF delegation on a high-level visit to Korea and Japan in...

Secretary-General presents ITF work to OECD Ambassadors

27 August 2020

More than 30 ambassadors attended a briefing with Secretary-General Young Tae Kim on ITF activities...

ITF welcomes Turkey Ambassador to the OECD

27 August 2020

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim received Turkey's Ambassador to the OECD Erdem Başçı in...

Transport, Trade And Tourism: 2015 Summit Highlights in Pictures

28 August 2020

Trade and tourism are two unparalleled global success stories. They are creating the wealth of...