Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Chinese translation of ITF Transport Outlook 2023 launched at ITF Summit

22 May 2024

Vice Minister Yang Li of China’s Ministry of Transport today launched the Chinese edition of the...

ITF 交通运输展望2023

21 May 2024

[caption align="right"][[{"fid":"54617","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","...

Urban Logistics Hubs

25 June 2024

[caption align="right"][[{"fid":"56297","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","...

Transport Network Resilience to Critical Events Working Group

3 April 2024

The purpose of the Working Group is to develop and disseminate international best practice in...

Perspectivas del Transporte del ITF 2023

27 May 2024

[caption align="right"][[{"fid":"55601","view_mode":"teaser","fields":{"class":"media-element file-...

Urban Logistics Hubs Roundtable

25 June 2024

Urban logistics is a fundamental component of life in a city: grocery stores, restaurants, retail...

Perspectives des transports FIT 2023

27 May 2024

[caption align="right"][[{"fid":"54617","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","...

Transport and Development: The Road to Sustainability, Prosperity and Peace

3 May 2023

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim gives a keynote speech on greening global transport at the...

Smart Freight Week

18 April 2023

Head of the ITF Secretary-General's Office Jari Kauppila speaks at the sessions "Future Pathways...

Enhancing Regional Freight Connectivity for Southeast Asia

29 March 2023

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim leads an ITF delegation to Cambodia for a stakeholder...