Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

ITF News

2018 Summit programme online

21 December 2017
Summit 2018 sessions cover cyber-security, autonomous and automated vehicles, drones, road safety, resilience of transport systems, safety of women in public transport and...

Preparing Jakarta’s Port for very Large Ships

8 December 2017
The port of Jakarta, Tanjung Priok, is the uncontested gateway to Indonesia. It serves the country’s capital with more than 10 million inhabitants, but is also a regional hub for...

Cities around the world co-operate to save lives

7 December 2017
POLIS and the International Transport Forum’s “Safer City Streets” initiative cooperate for safer roads. The second joint workshop on 7 and 8 December brings cities from around...

Shared Mobility in Auckland Could Halve Vehicle CO2 Emissions

29 November 2017
Vehicle CO2 emissions and traffic congestion in Auckland would fall by around 50% if all of today’s private car trips were instead provided by shared mobility services.This is the...

Latest road safety report presented to Latin American ministers

14 November 2017
Results from the report on Road Safety Benchmarking in Latin America are being presented to transport ministers in Buenos Aires, Santiago (pictured) and Bogotá by Fred Wegman,...

Joining forces for decarbonising transport

10 November 2017
Four international initiatives working on transport decarbonisation have teamed up to help achieve the Paris climate goals: the Institute for Sustainable Development and...

Four international initiatives to support the decarbonisation of the transport sector towards the achievement of the Paris Agreement climate goal

10 November 2017
A significant ratchet-up of ambition in transport decarbonisation is neededThe transport sector represents today 23% of all energy-related global emissions and curbing these...

ITF contributes to COP23 climate change conference

7 November 2017
The International Transport Forum will bring its global expertise in transport policy to the 23rd Conference of Parties (COP23) of the United Nations Framework Convention on ...

How less heavy vehicles can help cut CO2 emissions

6 November 2017
The average mass of passenger cars in the European Union has increased by around 40% over the past four decades. Additional vehicle mass consumes more energy and results in higher...

The International Transport Forum at COP23 in Bonn

6 November 2017
The International Transport Forum will bring its global expertise in transport policy to the 23rd Conference of Parties (COP23) of the United Nations Framework Convention on ...

How Artificial Intelligence will impact transport

30 October 2017
ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim addressed the OECD Forum on Artificial Intelligence (AI) on 27 October, speaking about the impact of digitalisation, automation and AI on...

Global Mobility Report launched

20 October 2017
The transport sector is not on track towards achieving sustainable mobility, according to the new Global Mobility Report. The Global Mobility Report is the first-ever assessment...

Road Safety Needs Better Data!

16 October 2017
Improving the quality of road safety data is essential to reducing the number of road deaths and injuries. This is the message of the “Marrakech Declaration” adopted by...

New Shared Mobility Study on Helsinki Confirms Ground-breaking Lisbon Results

12 October 2017
Replacing private car traffic with new shared mobility services in urban areas dramatically reduces the number of cars needed, significantly cuts CO2 emissions and frees large...

Secretary-General Kim showcases ITF work at Women's Forum

5 October 2017
Recent ITF research into how new mobility services can influence city liveabliity was presented by ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim at the Women's Forum session on disruptive...

Plotting a more sustainable course for the international shipping sector

3 October 2017
[caption caption="Improved efficiency, including wind assistance, accounts for the largest share of potential emissions reductions in maritime shipping (Photograph: Shutterstock...

Germany to host Annual Summit of Transport Ministers through 2020

15 September 2017
Alexander Dobrindt, Germany’s Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, and Young Tae Kim, Secretary-General of the International Transport Forum (ITF), signed an...

Young Tae Kim takes office as ITF Secretary-General

21 August 2017
First non-European to lead international transport body vows to make organisation a “truly interactive platform” and expand global membershipThe International Transport Forum at...

Data-led Governance of Road Freight Transport

20 July 2017
A new study released by the International Transport Forum (ITF) examines ways to improve compliance with road freight transport regulations through the use of new data sources and...

Linking People and Places: New ways of understanding spatial access in cities

13 July 2017
Paris, 13 July 2017A new study released by the International Transport Forum (ITF) examines how recent developments in measuring urban accessibility can be used to inform planning...

ITF signs path-breaking agreements on road safety, sustainable development, decarbonising aviation and open data

8 June 2017
The International Transport Forum has signed four path-breaking cooperation agreements with the World Bank, the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), Eurocontrol and...

Estrategias para Mitigar la Contaminación del Aire en la Ciudad de México

2 June 2017
En medio de la temporada de alertas por contaminación, el Foro Internacional del Transporte (ITF) de la OCDE publica un nuevo informe con recomendaciones para mitigar la...

At Global Summit, Ministers Call for Improved Governance for Transport

1 June 2017
Transport Ministers from the 57 member countries of the International Transport Forum have expressed their political will to improve the governance frameworks for transport in...

Kazakhstan and United Arab Emirates join the International Transport Forum

1 June 2017
The Republic of Kazakhstan and the United Arab Emirates have joined the International Transport Forum (ITF) as the organisation’s 58th and 59th member countries.The Council of...

Le Kazakhstan et les Émirats arabes unis adhèrent au Forum International des Transports

1 June 2017
La République du Kazakhstan et les Émirats arabes unis ont adhéré au Forum International des Transports (FIT), dont ils deviennent les 58e et 59e pays membres.Le Conseil des...

Korea’s Young Tae Kim elected new Secretary-General of ITF

1 June 2017
The International Transport Forum is an intergovernmental organisation with 59 member countries and the only global body with a mandate for all transport modes.Dr. Kim, a Korean...

Transition to Shared Mobility: How cities can deliver inclusive transport services

1 June 2017
A new study released by the International Transport Forum (ITF) examines how cities can manage the challenges of geographical scale and of transition to shared mobility services....

Driverless Trucks: New Report Maps Out Global Action on Driver Jobs and Legal Issues

31 May 2017
Governments must consider ways to manage the transition to driverless trucks in order to avoid potential social disruption from job losses, says a new report published by the...

Camions autonomes : un nouveau rapport trace les grandes lignes de l'action mondiale concernant les emplois de chauffeur et les aspects juridiques

31 May 2017
Les pouvoirs publics doivent envisager des moyens de gérer la transition vers le camion sans chauffeur afin d'éviter les bouleversements sociaux que pourraient entraîner les...

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