Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Access, Inclusion

Address gender bias in transport to meet climate targets, says new ITF report with FIA Foundation

15 September 2022

A lack of gender diversity in its workforce and leadership is undermining the transport sector's...

TRANSED: Mobility, Accessibility & Demand Response Transportation Conference

12 September 2022

ITF Head of Institutional Relations & Summit, Mary Crass participates in the Plenary Session,...

Gender Equality and the Role of Women in Decarbonising Transport: Report launch and interactive webinar

12 September 2022

15:00 - 16:30 CESTJoin the International Transport Forum (ITF) and FIA Foundation for a joint...

Gender Equality and the Role of Women in Decarbonising Transport

15 September 2022

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2022 Summit Highlights in Pictures

3 August 2022

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Fair and sustainable waterborne transport in Europe

21 June 2022

ITF Project Manager, Ports & Shipping Olaf Merk speaks at the workshop "Fair and sustainable...

ITF Day @ OECD 2022

5 July 2022

Programme09:00-09:30 | Welcome coffee  09:30-10:00 | Opening remarksThe...

Rural transitions to net zero GHG emissions in Korea

7 June 2022

08:30-12:00 CETITF Team Lead Elisabeth Windisch serves as a panellist in a session hosted by the...

Gender Inclusion in the Transport Sector

3 June 2022

15:30-17:00 CETITF experts discuss the Corporate Partnership Board's work on gender, including the...

Workshop: Data sharing architecture for Mobility as a Service

4 May 2022

15.00 - 18.00 CETITF experts, representatives of the ITF's Corporate Partnership Board and...