Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Access, Inclusion

Decarbonising Pathways for Urban Mobility in Uzbekistan

15 October 2024

Bir nechta tillarda tayyorlangan loyiha natijalari quyidagi “Links” bo‘limida mavjud.Результаты...

Decarbonising Pathways for Urban Mobility in Mongolia

26 July 2023

Ulaanbaatar grapples with severe congestion and air pollution. Developing green mobility modes...

Ask the Author: "Shaping Post-Covid Mobility in Cities"

28 February 2023

14:30 CETIn this 30-minute online presentation and question and answer session, author Malithi...

Second Global Aviation Gender Summit

8 June 2023

Young Tae Kim, ITF Secretary-General, delivers a keynote during the High-level Dialogue on "...

Transforming Transportation

16 February 2023

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim speaks at the Plenary Session "Accelerating Toward Green and...

Shaping Post-Covid Mobility in Cities

16 April 2024

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World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

17 January 2023

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim joins the annual meeting with leaders from government, business...

Urban Planning and Travel Behaviour Roundtable

20 December 2022

Reducing urban sprawl, promoting public-transport-oriented growth and creating compact, ...

Improving Transport Planning and Investment Through the Use of Accessibility Indices Workshop

19 December 2022

The workshop aimed to: Analyse the capacity of different types of accessibility indices to capture...

Integrated Transport Development Experience in Global City Clusters Roundtable

16 December 2022

Increasing urban concentration and the development of city clusters will pose formidable challenges...