Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Micromobility: Back to the Future

19 June 2024

It updated the findings of two groundbreaking ITF reports on micromobility: "Safe Micromobility"...

Perspectives des transports FIT 2023

27 May 2024

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Measuring New Mobility: Definitions, Indicators, Data Collection

16 April 2024

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Fact-finding mission about electric vehicle policy in Greece

26 September 2023

ITF experts travel to Athens as a part of the EU-funded project "Recharge and Refuel: Clean, smart...

Advancing Sustainable Mobility in Greece: Promoting electric vehicle uptake and SUMPs

27 September 2024

By 2030, at least 30 million zero-emission cars should operate on European roads, and 100 European...

Ask the Author: "How Improving Public Transport and Shared Mobility Can Reduce Urban Passenger Emissions"

7 March 2023

14:30 CETIn this 30-minute online presentation and question and answer session, author Josephine...

Decarbonising Pathways for Urban Mobility in Uzbekistan

15 October 2024

Bir nechta tillarda tayyorlangan loyiha natijalari quyidagi “Links” bo‘limida mavjud.Результаты...

Decarbonising Pathways for Urban Mobility in Mongolia

26 July 2023

Ulaanbaatar grapples with severe congestion and air pollution. Developing green mobility modes...

Sustainable Infrastructure Programme in Asia - Transport

7 June 2024

To reap the benefits of improved connectivity and accessibility without adding to climate change,...

How Improving Public Transport and Shared Mobility Can Reduce Urban Passenger Emissions

15 March 2023

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