Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Transport Climate Action Directory launches

The TRANSPORT CLIMATE ACTION directory launched for public use today.

The TRANSPORT CLIMATE ACTION DIRECTORY is an online database of policy measures to reduce transport CO2 emissions. It contains more than 60 different mitigation measures along with the evidence-base needed to assess their effectiveness.

The Directory provides decision makers with a range of options that can deliver concrete decarbonisation outcomes for transport in their specific national context, helping them to translate their decarbonisation ambitions into actions. 

The TRANSPORT CLIMATE ACTION DIRECTORY specifically aims to support countries in the upcoming first revision of their nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for the 2021 Conference of Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). NDCs set out countries' CO2 mitigation commitments and are revised every five years under the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Transport contributes nearly 25% of all energy-related CO2 emissions, yet only one in ten of the Paris Agreement signatory countries have set CO2 reduction targets for transport in their NDCs, according to an ITF study.

The UNFCCC has endorsed the TRANSPORT CLIMATE ACTION DIRECTORY "for use by governments, the private sector and all climate stakeholders". UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa has called it "a key tool for moving from ambition to climate action" and "a milestone for integrated climate policy". (FULL QUOTE AT END OF TEXT)

The TRANSPORT CLIMATE ACTION DIRECTORY is a project of the International Transport Forum's Decarbonising Transport initiative, a partnership of more than 70 governments, organisations, institutions, foundations and companies under the auspices of the International Transport Forum.

The project is anchored within the ITF Corporate Partnership Board. It is supported with funding from the European Commission's Horizon 2020 programme and the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of Germany's Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. 



Michael KLOTH
Head of Communictaions
+33 (0)6 15 95 03 27 

FULL QUOTE from Patricia Espinosa, UNFCCC Executive Secretary:

"The International Transport Forum’s TRANSPORT CLIMATE ACTION DIRECTORY is a key tool for moving from ambition to climate action - our most urgent challenge in climate policy today. 

"Governments now have a new resource to help them choose mitigation and adaptation measures that work in their specific context and that support their objectives. 

"I hope that many countries will make use of the TRANSPORT CLIMATE ACTION DIRECTORY when they revise their NDCs this year. 

"The International Transport Forum’s TRANSPORT CLIMATE ACTION DIRECTORY is a milestone for integrated climate policy and a trailblazer for a broader, cross-sectoral approach to combatting climate change.

"I commend the Decarbonising Transport initiative and its more than 70 partners led by the International Transport Forum, for their exemplary effort in creating this tool. 

"The UNFCCC endorses the TRANSPORT CLIMATE ACTION DIRECTORY for use by governments, the private sector and all climate stakeholders in their quest to implement the most effective transport climate policies and measures."


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