2nd Global Meeting of Regional Road Safety Observatories
ITF Secretary-General speaks at the Opening Session on 30 November.
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This virtual global meeting is organised by all existing regional Road Safety Observatories (RSOs), with the support of international development organisations, including the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Transport Forum, and the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile who have been collaborating on the development of these observatories since 2017.
The recently launched UN Plan for Action 2021-2030 to improve Global Road Safety emphasises the importance of monitoring and evaluating progress towards the achievement of our common road safety goals. The UN General Assembly resolution 74/299 (2020) called upon the World Health Organization to continue to collect, publish and disseminate data through the series of Global Status Reports on Road Safety, leveraging the efforts of the regional road safety observatories to harmonize and make road safety data available and comparable.
Effective action can only be taken if it is targeted and evaluated with accurate data. It is essential that data collection methods converge into standard international criteria and have stability in time --all regional RSOs work towards these goals. Good data are a necessary - albeit not sufficient - condition for the design and implementation of good road safety policies, and therefore all Observatories work on improving road safety management in their member countries and on road safety policy development and implementation. In this global conference, we plan to discuss how best to integrate the Plan of Action into regional and country-level road safety action plans, how to integrate road safety with ongoing initiatives towards other SDGs; and how to address our data challenges.